Friday 15 February 2013

Interactive Internet Strategy

·      Video diary blogs
·      Maps
·      Extra footage
·      Making of the tasks

Friday 23 November 2012

Assignment: Weekly Log

Assingment Secondary Research

Secondary Research

For my secondary research I am going to look at two articles and they way they are written.

I'm a Celeb: Tories 'not clear' they will take Nadine Dorries back

By Rowena Mason
The Telegraph

'She had already suffered at the hands of viewers, who nominated her for stomach-churning bush tucker trials during her time in the jungle.'

This article is very formally written and factual, something i need to keep in mind when writing my article. The section i have included above i find inspirational because it is formal and describes what happened so well you can feel the pain of the jungle's. 

Social impact bond launched to help teenagers in care and the homeless
By Patrick Wintour
The Guardian

'In a separate social impact bond, developed between the mayor of London and leading charities St Mungo's and Thames Reach, support will be given to about 800 rough sleepers who are neither long-term nor new to the streets. Its aims are to reduce rough sleeping, help people get into stable accommodation, get them jobs and manage their health better.'
This article again is written in a formal style. The factual information is the key element to this article. I find the section above inspirational because the factual information is key, this is something i would like to do with my article.

I am also going to look at three different articles about marijuana and if it should be legal, this is so i can gather more information about my choosen topic and see how it has been written previously.

Within ten years, you’ll be buying cannabis at your off-licence

By Hugo Rifkind
The Spectator

" The first time I came across skunk cannabis was in an underground out-of-hours bar in Nottingham in 1997. I think I’ll leave that as ‘came across’, if it’s all the same to you. I might want to be prime minister one day, and it’s important to have my tenuous denials lined up in advance. More expensive than your regular cannabis, I remember, uh, people saying, with a stronger smell and a far -stronger effect. Which I noticed, obviously, from the behaviour of other people. As I studied them with clear, unreddened eyes, like an anthropologist. Yes. "

I like here how the journalist has added sarcasm to entertain the reader. He has started this article with a light jokey tone, this will attract readers to carry on. In the rest of his article he talks about how making the drug illegal or a higher class makes people want to do it more, like a rebellious act.

Legalising marijuana: mmost americans get it, so when will our politicians?
By Gary Johnson
The Guardian

" Last year, 800,000 people were arrested in the United States for crimes associated with marijuana – and marijuana alone. It's insane to arrest people for choosing to use a natural substance that is, by any objective standard, less harmful than alcohol, a drug that is advertised at every major sporting event. Think of the strain and costs to our law enforcement, court system and prisons. And for what? Is marijuana use decreasing? No. Are cartels any less powerful and violent? I'm afraid not. Is pot difficult for minors to obtain? Nope. In fact, when polled, kids say it's easier to get marijuana than it is to get alcohol. Why? It's simple. Black market dealers don't ID. "

This journalist starts off with negative views on the goverment, which is a topic many people will keep reading (and agreeing). In this section here are some good facts for me to use for my article.

Amsterdam's cannabis cafes will remain open to tourists, city's mayor says
By Kevin Rawlinson
The Independant

" But the relaxation of the rules allowed Amsterdam to break from the plans. Each year, some 1.5 million tourists visit Amsterdam to consume the drug, which is a Class B substance in the UK.
The government wanted to curb drug use and prevent drug dealers from using the Netherlands as a base. But the plan was strongly opposed by cafe owners, 700 of which sell cannabis in the country "

Here again i have found some good points to include and i like the way the journalist has kept a serious yet mellow tone throughout the article. 

After reading these articles i wanted to find out a couple more facts before starting my own article.

  • 100,000 deaths a year from smoking
  • 0 deaths a year from smoking weed
  • 33,000 deaths a year from drinking

  • Amsterdam has between 1.6 million and 1.9 million tourists every year

Assignment Primary Reseach

Primary Reseach

For my primary research, I decided to do a questionnaire on if it should be legal and if the public agree with america and holland making it legal in certain places. I included the question if the smoke it or not because if they do they maybe bias to it be made legal, the same if the didn't smoke it.

Illegalization of

1)        Have you personally ever smoked/eaten marijuana?

2)        Do you class it as a drug?

3)        Many people believe it is socially acceptable. Do you think this is

4)        In Amsterdam it is legal to smoke marijuana in cafes where you can order different types of weed to smoke. Should Britain bring one of these cafes over her?

5)        Obama has recently legalized marijuana in two states, do you think that in the next 10years or so that Britain may follow in their footsteps?

6)        Would this be a good thing in your opinion?

7)        Should it be legal?

My Results

Have you personally ever smoked/eaten marijuana?

Do you class it as a drug?

Many people believe it is socially acceptable. Do you think this is

In Amsterdam it is legal to smoke marijuana in cafes where you can order different types of weed to smoke. Should Britain bring one of these cafes over here?

Obama has recently legalized marijuana in two states, do you think that in the next 10years or so that Britain may follow in their footsteps?

Would this be a good thing in your opinion?

Should it be legal?


My results show that alot of people see smoking marijuana as socially acceptable. They also show me that the majority believe that if the UK followed in the footsteps of america it would be a good thing. I have to bare in mind that out of the 30 people that filled out my questionnaire 16 of them smoke it, but were it is pretty much evenly spread between smokers and non-smokers it hasn't effected my results to much.

Friday 9 November 2012

Assignment: Weekly Log

Weekly Log
9th November

Today i looked at topics for my article. I found this quite difficult as i wanted to be interested in what i was going research but it also had to be reverent next February. After looking at several different topics i decided to do the History of the Isle Wight Festival. I have researched the 

Friday 26 October 2012

Assignment: Weekly log

Weekly Log
26th October

In this session I have created mind map of my target audience, including all their interest and lifestyles, i have also included what they will find entertaining, this is going to help me understand who I am going to be writing for. It also allows me to see what they are interested in, so I can write an article they will find interesting and want to read. I also complete my weekly planner, which is my step by step guide to keep up to date with my work. I have designed it so that i can complete my work a week before the deadline, allowing time for change or if needed extra time for uncompleted tasks. This sessions, my goals have been completed that i set myself which means I'm up to date as planned.

Assignment: Weekly Planner

Weekly Planner

For my assignment, I need to plan out what I am going to get done every session so I can get the work completed by the assignment deadline. To this I have decided to make a table showing my session criteria until I need to had in my work.

 Work to do
Work that should be completed by end session
 26th October
  • Mind Map
  • Weekly Planner 

  • Mind Map
  • Weekly Planner

 1st November
  • Primary Research
  • Secondary Research 
  • Bibliography

  • Primary Research
  • Secondary Research

 8th November
  • Bibliography
  • 3 annotated articles 

  • Bibliography
 15th November
  • 3 annotated articles
  • Article draft 

  • 3 annotated articles

 22nd November
  • Article draft
  • Final Copy/Photographs 

  •  Article draft

 29th November
  • Final Copy/Photographs
  • Final article with relevant Layout 

  • Final copy/photography

 7th December 
  • Final article with relevant layout

  • Final article with relevant layout